Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Tugas bahasa inggris 2 (Direct and Indirect speech)

Statement :
1. Billy said  "Robby is a brilliant manager"
    Billysaid that, he was a brilliant manager

Interogative :
2. Ellisa said "When will you leave to surabaya"
    Ellisa said that, when would you leave to surabaya

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 1 (kalimat aktif pasif)

Active and Passive sentence

3.   Somebody calls the president everyday
10. Language skills are taught in every school in the country

3.   The president is called by somebody everyday
10. In every school in the country teaches language skills

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 1 (mengarang)

Television as a means of information

            Television is one of the most important communication media other than newspapers, magazines and internet. now almost everyone has a television in their homes. than as a means of entertainment television also serves as a means of information. This media may broadcast information about events that happen quickly and accurately.
            information is often communicated through this medium is the message. news is a source of information that can report on an actual event. to watch the news we can find events taking place both in Indonesia and in many of the world. include news about politics and economics. other than that this medium also presents information related to education. the more the portion of the news presented on television it will be better for viewers, but it takes a critical stance in determine what information should we refer to. so that it can provide many benefits and adds to our knowledge.
if the show is presented as news and education are preferred it is not only can give science but also for our young people can advance through the medium called television.